Academic Accommodations & Support Services

The office of Student Services will identify and provide appropriate accommodations upon recieving appropriate documentation and meeting with oyu on an indiividual basis or make a request to the faculty to provide such accommodations

  • Alternative Testing Arrangements

    Alternative testing arrangements (additional time, oral responses, use of reader and/or scribe, enlarged print, etc.) for eligible students. If you need the Office of Student Services to coordinate with the instructor on specific test administration, arrangements should be made with the Office of Student Services at least three working days prior to the scheduled test in order to ensure staff availability.

  • Reader Services to Students with Visual Impairments

    Reader services to visually impaired students. If you have a documented learning disability, you may also qualify for reader services with proper documentation.

  • Counseling Services

    Counseling services are provided for personal situations which may impact the student's ability to succeed in college. Learn more about our counseling services here.

  • Housing Accommodations

    Rooms with a bathtub seat or wheelchair accessible shower, a visual doorbell, or specific location may all be requested based on need. Disability Services also reviews requests for an Assistance Animal (also known as an Emotional Support Animal) to live in the residence halls.

  • Paid Note Takers

    Paid note takers are available upon request when student's disability requires such a service (having a notetaker is NOT a substitute for attending class. Note taking services during your absence will be provided only when the absence is directly related to the disability and has been arranged in advance with the faculty member and Student Services).

  • Transportation Services

    Transportation services are provided during regularly scheduled shuttle hours by coordinating with the Manager of Shuttle Services. Learn more about our transportation services here.

  • Other Services

    Copy services for text in large print, orientation prior to the start of classes, priority registration before the general student population registers, and ample and conveniently located accessible parking spots may be provided.


The university is not required to provide accommodations which are fundamental alternations of academic requirements. You should understand that the accommodations approved by SUA are considered reasonable for certain classes or educational settings at this university and may not apply to other institutions.